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  • These Navy Melange Linen & Organic Cotton Socks are crafted in a small family workshop in Brescia. These socks are made with a unique combination of certified organic long staple cotton and linen to ensure the ideal balance of comfort, breathability, lightness, and most importantly of all quality. These simple melange socks work for a multitude of occasions from work to weddings to staying at home. The lightness and shades of these socks makes them our go to pick for the warmer seasons.

Calzificio di Roby

All our socks are manufactured in a small calzificio in the proximity of Brescia, 60km away from our headquarters. Located in the heart of a world renowned manufacturing district, Roberto’s workshop has been a part of his family since 1970 and our trusted production partner for many years. Few things have changed over the years and today, Roberto still passionately crafts each sock in the small workshop accessible from the ground floor of his family house.

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